Thursday, November 4, 2010

unmotivated. slacking. depressed?

My life is going pretty great right now.

I'm doing ok in my class, my boyfriend is a dream come true, my weight is pretty stable and I've never been healthier.

The last couple weeks I've just been dog-tired and pretty hard to motivate.  I don't want to do ANYTHING at my job (and it's starting to get noticed, NOT GOOD), I can barely drag myself out to exercise and I complain to myself the whole time I do.  Fake it til I make it feels a long way off.

Perhaps it's the post-half, post-trail race slump.  I've got other small races planned, but nothing new and big ton conquer for a while, or maybe it's the fact that I'm freezing despite a space heater blowing at me all day.  Maybe it's not enough sunlight?  I don't know.

I feel guilty for complaining since people have REAL problems to contend with, but right now, i'm just out of it.  Maybe I need to up my happy pills dose?

Anyway, maybe putting it out into the world will free me!

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